Understand English Grammar Once And For All
If you feel like your need for accurate and correct English grammar in the workplace is beyond your current level of knowledge, grammar can feel intimidating. Do you worry that your grammar errors are causing you to be perceived as less fluent in English than you really are? Is grammar confusion costing you confidence in your use of English? We can help.
Grammar is a fixable problem.
In our Grammar Master Course, we begin by identifying the patterns of your grammar errors so we can begin fixing them. Your first class begins with a formal grammar assessment and evaluation your own written English. We then create a plan with you to address the most critical problems first and then move on to the smaller problems that make your writing less precise or possibly confusing to read.
Students in our courses have often already learned many grammar skills at a beginner or even intermediate level. Our Grammar Master Course uses that existing base of knowledge to obtain the broader and deeper communication skills necessary in the professional English-speaking workforce.
Before coming to our courses, most non-native English speakers didn’t know how many errors they were still making in the areas of:
- article usage (a, an, and the)
- verb tenses (past, present and future)
- verb aspects (simple, perfect, progressive, and present perfect)
- punctuation (periods, commas, dashes, colons, semi-colons, etc.)
- sentence structure (incomplete sentences, parallel lists, conjunctions)
After the course, our students have an increased confidence in their own writing, make fewer mistakes, and can comprehend what they are reading at a deeper level and more accurately.
Grammar Skills Assessment
Individuals who don’t wish to enroll in the Grammar Master Course can purchase the Grammar Skills Assessment as a stand-alone product. The Stand-Alone Grammar Skills Assessment includes a written report to help individual learners with self-study.
Where do you want to go from here?
“I’ve been living in the United States for about 15 years. I took English classes at some community colleges and they were helpful. But, I have to say, I wish I would have had this method a long time ago. I’ll continue using the textbooks whenever I need them.”
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